Gaza – Divendres,11de
juliol, quart dia des dels atacs
Per on començo? I com començo?
Començo per les
xifres que continuen pujant i canviant? 90 morts, la majoria civils. 600
ferits. 140 cases destruïdes. O dec començar mencionant les diferents àrees a la
Franja de Gaza que han sigut bombardejades constantment, dia i nit. És un no
parar. Si només es tracta de xifres, deixa’m doncs contar-te les mils morts de
nins palestins, que tenen por nit rere nit, dia rere dia, pels sons de les
bombes israelianes. Els nins es senten molt insegurs quan és fosc. I no hi ha
L’exèrcit israelià
a tornat a fer ús de la seva política punitiva de demolició de cases, sent
il·legal segons la llei internacional. Ahir, a un edifici de sis plantes a Khan
Younis on viuen familiars meus va ser atacat i aixecat del sòl. 106 persones ja
no tenen casa. Encara que la intenció de l’exèrcit israelià fos la de castigar
a un activista de Hamas, no hi ha justificació per aquest càstig cruel, brutal
i col·lectiu. Vuit membres de la família Kawarea foren assassinats a Khan
Younis quan els reactors de caça destruïren les seves cases. El portaveu de
l’exèrcit israelià admetí que fou un error. Quin exèrcit més ben educat i
civilitzat que és l’israelià!
Caminant pels carrers de la ciutat de Gaza, on jo visc, pot ser un autèntic malson. Els drons i els reactors de caça estan al cel i tu no pots anticipar què és el que passarà d’aquí un minut. Bombardejaran el cotxe que tens al costat o al front? T’agafarà l’explosió? Altres persones moriran en aquell precís moment en un altre lloc? Altres persones es veuran forçades a deixar les seves cases en cinc minuts només per ser bombardejades dos minuts després?
A pesar de la por, havia d’anar a la Red Crescent Society que està a la Franja de Gaza per a estar amb l’equip d’emergència mèdica i ajudar-los tant com pogués. Aquest matí hem rebut un al·lot sord de Jabalia. Estava treballant a una granja que fou bombardejada. Deu vaques i ovelles també han mort.
Caminant pels carrers de la ciutat de Gaza, on jo visc, pot ser un autèntic malson. Els drons i els reactors de caça estan al cel i tu no pots anticipar què és el que passarà d’aquí un minut. Bombardejaran el cotxe que tens al costat o al front? T’agafarà l’explosió? Altres persones moriran en aquell precís moment en un altre lloc? Altres persones es veuran forçades a deixar les seves cases en cinc minuts només per ser bombardejades dos minuts després?
A pesar de la por, havia d’anar a la Red Crescent Society que està a la Franja de Gaza per a estar amb l’equip d’emergència mèdica i ajudar-los tant com pogués. Aquest matí hem rebut un al·lot sord de Jabalia. Estava treballant a una granja que fou bombardejada. Deu vaques i ovelles també han mort.
Estic tant cansada
i no puc dormir. No em trobo bé fora de casa a pesar de l’hospitalitat dels
amics que m’acullen a casa seva. El meu edifici, el meu barri també són
insegurs. Cap lloc és segur, però amb l’intens bombardeig a prop i les
finestres rompudes havia de partir.
El bombardeig és continu, boig i és per tot. El vaixells de guerra llancen míssils a la platja de la ciutat de Gaza. La ciutat de Rafah està sent bombardejada severament, 10 persones a Rafah varen morir quan la seva casa va sortir pels aires per un F-16 fet als Estats Units.
L’agència de les Nacions Unides que manté escoles i clíniques pels refugiats palestins va obrir les seves escoles per a rebre gent que no tenia casa. Ara, més persones beuran l’aigua purificadora de la MECA.
Ningú dorm a Gaza. Cap lloc és segur. Els atacs militars israelians venen des de qualsevol direcció.
El bombardeig és continu, boig i és per tot. El vaixells de guerra llancen míssils a la platja de la ciutat de Gaza. La ciutat de Rafah està sent bombardejada severament, 10 persones a Rafah varen morir quan la seva casa va sortir pels aires per un F-16 fet als Estats Units.
L’agència de les Nacions Unides que manté escoles i clíniques pels refugiats palestins va obrir les seves escoles per a rebre gent que no tenia casa. Ara, més persones beuran l’aigua purificadora de la MECA.
Ningú dorm a Gaza. Cap lloc és segur. Els atacs militars israelians venen des de qualsevol direcció.
Des de Gaza amb amor,
Dra. Mona El-Farra
Directora dels Projectes de la MECA a Gaza
Directora dels Projectes de la MECA a Gaza
La Dra. Mona El-Farra, Directora dels Projectes de la MECA a Gaza és una metgessa i una activista pels drets humans i els drets de les dones a la ocupada Franja de Gaza.
Original English Version :
– Friday, July 11, Day 4 of the attack
Where shall I start? How shall I start?
Shall I start with the numbers which keep increasing and changing? 90 killed, mainly civilians. 600 injured. 140 demolished homes. Or should I start by mentioning all the different areas of the Gaza Strip that have been constantly hit, day and night. Nonstop. If it is only about numbers, then let me tell you all about thousands of Palestinian children who are terrified night after night, day after day by the sounds of the Israeli shelling. The children have deep feelings of insecurity when it is dark. And no shelters.
The Israeli army has restarted their punitive home demolition policy, illegal under international law. Yesterday a six-story building where my relatives live in Khan Younis was hit and leveled to the ground. 106 relatives were made homeless. Even if the Israeli army’s goal was to punish one of Hamas activists, there is no justification for this cruel, brutal and collective punishment. Eight members of the Kawarea family were killed in Khan Younis. when the jetfighters destroyed their home. The Israeli army spokesman said sorry it was a mistake. What a gentle, well-behaved, and civilized army.
Walking through the streets of Gaza City where I live can be a real nightmare. The drones and fighter jets are in the sky and you cannot anticipate what will happen in the next minute. Are they going to target a car behind you or in front of you? Will you be caught in the blast? Will others be dying right that minute somewhere else? Will others will be forced to leave their home in 5 minutes only to be bombed 2 minutes later?
Yet despite the fear, I had to go to the Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip to be with the medical emergency team and help as much as I could. This morning we received an injured deaf young man from Jabalia. He was working in a farm that was hit. Tens of cows and sheep were killed too.
I am so tired and sleepless. I don’t feel settled outside my home despite the generosity of my friends who are hosting me. But my building, my neighborhood, are too unsafe. Nowhere is safe. but with intense shelling nearby and broken windows, I had to leave.
The shelling is continuous, crazy and everywhere. Warships fire missiles against the beach in Gaza City. Rafah town is under severe missile shelling , 10 people in Rafah were killed when their home was leveled to the ground by an American-made F16.
The UN agency that runs schools and clinics for Palestinian refugees opened its schools to receive homeless people from different areas. Now larger numbers of people will drink from MECA water purification units.
Where shall I start? How shall I start?
Shall I start with the numbers which keep increasing and changing? 90 killed, mainly civilians. 600 injured. 140 demolished homes. Or should I start by mentioning all the different areas of the Gaza Strip that have been constantly hit, day and night. Nonstop. If it is only about numbers, then let me tell you all about thousands of Palestinian children who are terrified night after night, day after day by the sounds of the Israeli shelling. The children have deep feelings of insecurity when it is dark. And no shelters.
The Israeli army has restarted their punitive home demolition policy, illegal under international law. Yesterday a six-story building where my relatives live in Khan Younis was hit and leveled to the ground. 106 relatives were made homeless. Even if the Israeli army’s goal was to punish one of Hamas activists, there is no justification for this cruel, brutal and collective punishment. Eight members of the Kawarea family were killed in Khan Younis. when the jetfighters destroyed their home. The Israeli army spokesman said sorry it was a mistake. What a gentle, well-behaved, and civilized army.
Walking through the streets of Gaza City where I live can be a real nightmare. The drones and fighter jets are in the sky and you cannot anticipate what will happen in the next minute. Are they going to target a car behind you or in front of you? Will you be caught in the blast? Will others be dying right that minute somewhere else? Will others will be forced to leave their home in 5 minutes only to be bombed 2 minutes later?
Yet despite the fear, I had to go to the Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip to be with the medical emergency team and help as much as I could. This morning we received an injured deaf young man from Jabalia. He was working in a farm that was hit. Tens of cows and sheep were killed too.
I am so tired and sleepless. I don’t feel settled outside my home despite the generosity of my friends who are hosting me. But my building, my neighborhood, are too unsafe. Nowhere is safe. but with intense shelling nearby and broken windows, I had to leave.
The shelling is continuous, crazy and everywhere. Warships fire missiles against the beach in Gaza City. Rafah town is under severe missile shelling , 10 people in Rafah were killed when their home was leveled to the ground by an American-made F16.
The UN agency that runs schools and clinics for Palestinian refugees opened its schools to receive homeless people from different areas. Now larger numbers of people will drink from MECA water purification units.
Nobody is asleep in Gaza. No place is safe. The Israeli military attacks are coming from every direction.
From Gaza with love,

Dr. Mona El-Farra
MECA Director of Gaza Projects
Dr. Mona El-Farra, Director of Gaza Projects,is a physician by training and a human rights and women's rights activist by practice in the occupied Gaza Strip.
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